I have been on hiatus from Medium for many months, or maybe a few years. I was rebuilding my life, deciding my next steps, and becoming an adult who finally takes care of responsibilities. I loved some of the friends I made on Medium and the publications that published my articles. I will write on Medium again more frequently. More to come soon! :-)
What have I been up to recently?
I became a co-leader of a Sensuality Poetry course and the results have been phenomenal. The participants feel more comfortable with their bodies, feelings, and juicy desires. They express them publicly without hesitation in their written and spoken poetry. I feel so blessed to be a part of their journey of claiming their feminine creative power. I shared some of the poetry that I published on Medium with the participants. We still have a few more classes, so if you are interested in joining the link will be posted after this article.
What I enjoyed most about the course was leading it with two other people. We talked about eroticism, sensuality, and how to unlock our divine potential within. We referenced books and writers, meditated before we started, and had illuminating prompts to spark our creative juices. A joy and synergy occurred when we shared the center stage. We worked well together because we brought forth our gifts without draining our colleagues. I will be collaborating more…